
Showing posts from September, 2016
SCCM 2012 Migration Connector stops working and gathering of data fails from destination Site. Cause- Check if you have multiple SMS Provider exist in your CM 2012 Hierarchy and that's only causing the issue. Resolution-  Uninstall all the additional SMS Providers and reset the site (happens automatically upon removal). Pre_Checks- You can just open up a Powershell on one SMS Provider you know (you always know at least one) and execute the following query: (Get-WmiObject -class SMS_ProviderLocation -Namespace root\SMS).Machine This will give you something like this: Steps for removing a SMS Provider 1) Open the Start Menu on the ConfigMgr server and select Microsoft System Center 2012 > Configuration Manager > Configuration Manager Setup 2) Getting Started > Select "Perform site maintenance or reset this Site" and click Next 3) Site Maintenance > Select "Modify SMS Provider configuration" and click Next 4) ...