SCCM 2012 Migration Connector stops working and gathering of data fails from destination Site.


Check if you have multiple SMS Provider exist in your CM 2012 Hierarchy and that's only causing the issue.


Uninstall all the additional SMS Providers and reset the site (happens automatically upon removal).


You can just open up a Powershell on one SMS Provider you know (you always know at least one) and execute the following query:

(Get-WmiObject -class SMS_ProviderLocation -Namespace root\SMS).Machine
This will give you something like this:


Steps for removing a SMS Provider

1) Open the Start Menu on the ConfigMgr server and select Microsoft System Center 2012 > Configuration Manager > Configuration Manager Setup
2) Getting Started > Select "Perform site maintenance or reset this Site" and click Next
3) Site Maintenance > Select "Modify SMS Provider configuration" and click Next
4) Manage SMS Providers > Select "Uninstall a SMS provider" and "Enter the FQDN of the server where the SMS Provider is to be Uninstalled" and click Next
Then start gathering the data again...


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