Configmgr OnSearchComplete – Failed to end search job Error 0x80244022 WUAHandler.log

WSUS POOL in IIS getting stopped frequently, causing scan failures
from client end

So why does the WSUS App pool crash and how to fix it?

The WSUS App pool “private memory limit” setting is by default configured to 1.7 GB, the pool crashed because it couldn’t keep up. In order to fix that, people increase the memory on the Software Update Point and also configure the WSUS App pool memory limit with 8-12 GB. After that App pool should be started and let the clients flood the network for a couple of hours and everything was back to normal.

So why couldn’t the WSUS App pool keep up? This is due to the larger number of updates in the catalog which continues to grow over time.  After the Patch Tuesday sync from Microsoft, clients started scanning successfully at first, but the Update catalog reached a size that increased the load on the Software Update Point. Due to the default memory limit of the app pool the server ran out of memory causing the WSUS App pool card to fail and took the House of Cards down with it.


If this problem occurs, increase the Private Memory Limit to 4GB (4000000 KB) and restart the Application Pool. To increase the Private Memory Limit, select the WsusPool Application Pool and click Advanced Settings under Edit Application Pool. Then set the Private Memory Limit to 4GB (4000000 KB).

After the Application Pool has been restarted, monitor the SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER component status, wcm.log and wsyncmgr.log for failures. Please note that it may be necessary to increase the Private Memory Limit to 8GB (8000000 KB) or higher depending on the environment. Run machine policy and update SCAN Cycle on the clients.

What measures should be taken?

Maintaining the database

Maintaining the susdb database is as important as maintaining the ConfigMgr database meaning that we should run a weekly maintenance task that performs a defragmentation of the database. The WSUS has to be cleaned month wise with the help of WSUS Cleanup Utility Tool. Expired and superseded updates have to be removed from SCCM console on monthly basis.


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