
Showing posts from 2015

SQL Query to find the list of machines with a particular application installed.

Please find the query below. Change the application Name & Publisher Name according to your need. SELECT c.Name0, a.DisplayName0, a.Version0, c.AD_Site_Name0, b.LastUsedTime0 FROM v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS a Join v_R_System c On a.ResourceID = c.ResourceID Join v_GS_CCM_RECENTLY_USED_APPS B On B.ResourceID = a.ResourceID WHERE a.ResourceID = c.ResourceID AND a.DisplayName0 like '% Adobe % Reader %' AND a.Publisher0 like '% Adobe %' AND Version0 like '11' GROUP BY c.Name0, a.DisplayName0, a.Version0, c.AD_Site_Name0, b.LastUsedTime0 ORDER BY c.name0

To find the deployment detailed summary for an Application Deployment

Please find the query below. select v_r_system.Client0 as 'SCCM Client',v_r_system.name0 as 'Machine Name',v_r_system.obsolete0 as 'Obsolete',v_r_system.Active0 as 'Active',v_R_System.AD_Site_Name0 as 'AD Site Location', v_r_system.user_name0 as 'User Name',v_ClientAdvertisementStatus.laststatename as 'Last State Name',v_advertisement.advertisementname as 'Advertisement Name', v_ClientAdvertisementStatus.laststatustime as 'Last Status Time',v_advertisement.ProgramName as 'Program Name',v_advertisement.PackageID as 'Package ID',v_advertisement.AdvertisementID as 'Advert ID', v_ClientAdvertisementStatus.LastExecutionResult from v_ClientAdvertisementStatus inner join v_advertisement on v_ClientAdvertisementStatus.advertisementid=v_advertisement.advertisementid inner join v_r_system on v_ClientAdvertisementStatus.resourceid=v_r_system.resourceid where v_advertisement.advertisementi...

SQL Query to find the detailed Enforcement Status of a Software Update Deployment for Patching.

Please find the query below. select vrs.name0, a.Assignment_UniqueID as DeploymentID, a.AssignmentName as DeploymentName, sn.StateName as LastEnforcementState, assc.StateTime , a.CollectionName, assc.Lasterrorcode from v_CIAssignment a join v_AssignmentState_Combined assc on a.AssignmentID=assc.AssignmentID join v_StateNames sn on assc.StateType = sn.TopicType and sn.StateID=isnull(assc.StateID,0) join v_R_System vrs on vrs.ResourceID=assc.ResourceID where a.AssignmentID=" Put the Assignment ID of the deployment "

Uninstall/Remove/Decommission Secondary Site in SCCM 2012.

This is the post where we can find some useful details about removal or uninstallation or deletion of Site server (s) rather Decommission of sites and Hierarchies. Also, we’re going to discuss about the difference between the options  Uninstall  and  Delete  (Secondary site/s). We will be able to   REUSE the site code of secondary server/s   if is  no longer in use in your Configuration Manager hierarchy or in the Active Directory forest . However, Site codes cannot be used more than one time in a   ConfigMgr   hierarchy for a CAS or primary sites. If you reuse a site code, you run the risk of having   object ID conflicts   in your ConfigMgr hierarchy. When we want to remove entire SCCM/ConfigMgr hierarchy with lot of site servers (primary and secondary etc..), we’ve to follow   bottom up   approach. That means, Remove secondary sites attached to primary sites, primary sites from the central administration sit...

SCCM: Determining installed applications last use time_ SQL Query.

ConfigMgr will definitely be able to let SCCM admins know what are installed in the environment regardless if it is a server or workstation. SCCM by default comes with a set of reports that SCCM admins can utilize to gather information. The one that I am going to mention today is , "Computers that has a metered program but have not run the program since a specific date". What is so special about this report you may think, I had the same thinking as you but it is pretty interesting to know how is this data derived. The data set for this is based on Software Inventory and this means gathering file types that are on machines. The last used time is gathered asp art of software metering. This report will provide the information based on the files inventoried and their respective last used date. Nothing unique right? Here comes the interesting part, picture the scenario as below. All of us will know that in order for Microsoft Office to be used, it has to be inst...

Unable to read existing WUA Group Policy object. Error = 0x80004005.

Wanted to share.. It will be helpful to achieve maximum rate of patching compliance. As we often face issues to troubleshoot the systems with  "Enforcement Status Unknown" state. Issue Some of the servers / workstations are appearing as “ Enforcement Status Unknown ” in Patching Deployment Report. Logs mentioned below. Unable to find or read WUA Managed server policy. Unable to read existing WUA Group Policy object. Error = 0x80004005. Failed to Add Update Source for WUAgent of type (2) and id ({6219E813-D37D-4D15-ADA7-3E4DADF55C9E}). Error = 0x80004005. Resolution Issue appears to be with corrupt policy info locally on the machine.  Please go to c:\windows\system32\grouppolicy\machine and delete the registry.pol  file.  Run GPUpdate /force command after that .

When you try to install updates by using the Windows Update or Microsoft Update Web site, you receive the following error message: 0x8024000B

1     This problem may occur if Windows Update or Microsoft Update cannot read the update manifest. Soluion To resolve this problem, rename the Spupdsvc.exe file, and then try to install the updates again. To do this, follow these steps: Click Start, and then click Run. Copy the following text, paste it into the Run box, and then click OK or press ENTER: Cmd /c ren %WinDir%\System32\Spupdsvc.exe Spupdsvc.old Try to install the updates again. If you still cannot install the updates, see the "References" section for information about how to contact Windows Update support or Microsoft Update support.

Error when trying to create a new collection "Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box"

Solution 1. Restart the console, log out and log back in 2. Check in the  Smsprov.log file  for SQL related Errors 3. Reboot the SCCM Server 4. Try Increasing the tempdb size from 10MB to 100MB 5. Check with the SQL Team for to see  DDL Auditing is turned on 6. See if the last collection value of CollectionsID and NextCollectionID are in series If value of CollectionsID in collections table is 101, and the value of NextCollectionID in nextids table is should be102. Select * From Collections Select * from Nextids. 7. Check the smsprov.log. Point no. 5. is mostly causing the issue because the DBA Team sometimes enables DDL Auditing without informing..

Heartbeat Discovery has not reported since the client was installed.

Solution Verify that a heartbeat has occurred on the client by reviewing the inventoryagent.log. This log is located in the %windir%\System32\ccm\logs folder. You must locate the Inventory: Action=Discovery ReportType=Full string. You can use the Advanced Client Spy utility to view the status of discovery data. This utility is part of Configuration Manager Toolkit.  In the discovery record properties, you can view the discovery method that reported the discovery, and the last time that the discovery process ran. You can review the record to determine whether the issue is a failure to run a discovery property. If the data that is provided by Heartbeat Discovery is current, this issue may occur because of a client assignment issue on the SMS Advanced Client computer. If the correct Heartbeat Discovery data is not present, a communication problem may exist between the client, the management point, the site, and the site database. 

Windows Update prompts for installing an update that has already been installed on the user machine.

Causes:-- Normally windows update center will download available updates and have them installed and maintain a record for the same so that the same update is not repeated again, however if there is some issue with the Windows Update Center itself, it would either fail to download the updates or would fail to maintain a record of the installed updates. Generally on a user’s computer, the Windows Update center is being disabled. Due to lack of permissions to download files from the internet, it’s the SCCM Windows Update service that executes and installs these updates on the machines and if for any reason a user’s computer is having any issue with corrupted files or any other, these updates status may not be reaching to SCCM Compliance and as a result shows up as a required update in the machine. Even if the update is installed, the SCCM Compliance wouldn’t have a record for its installation which is why it would constantly popup and repeat the same update as a required upd...

Remove SCCM Child Primary Site from a Hierarchy.

Remove SCCM Child Primary Site- Step by Step... CEN - Primary Central Site PRI - Child Primary Site SEC - Secondary Site Here is the procedure how to remove  PRI  SCCM Child Primary Site from its  CEN  SCCM Parent Site. All steps have to be performed from the Central Site  Server except the last one. First step is to login to the Central Site Server and to delete   PRI   child site address from SCCM console. Next step is to execute Preinst.exe which is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\i386\00000409 folder: Execute  Preinst /dump command . It shows SCCM sites in SCCM Parent Central Site. The target is to remove   PRI   Child Primary Site. Delete jobs for PRI site:  Preinst /deljob PRI Delete PRI site:  Preinst /delSITE PRI CEN Execute again  Preinst /deljob PRI  to delete any job in meantime. Executing again  Preins...

Configmgr OnSearchComplete – Failed to end search job Error 0x80244022 WUAHandler.log

WSUS POOL in IIS getting stopped frequently, causing scan  failures from client end     So why does the WSUS App pool crash and how to fix it? The WSUS App pool “private memory limit” setting is by default configured to 1.7 GB, the pool crashed because it couldn’t keep up. In order to fix that, people increase the memory on the Software Update Point and also configure the WSUS App pool memory limit with 8-12 GB. After that App pool should be started and let the clients flood the network for a couple of hours and everything was back to normal. So why couldn’t the WSUS App pool keep up? This is due to the larger number of updates in the catalog which continues to grow over time.  After the Patch Tuesday sync from Microsoft, clients started scanning successfully at first, but the Update catalog reached a size that increased the load on the Software Update Point. Due to the default memory limit of the app pool the server ran out of memory caus...